Sunday, October 02, 2011

Heading back to civilization

The star party is over, and we set off for home this morning. FYI, after a week in the wilds of Cimarron County, the drive across northern Oklahoma is dreary. How dreary? T hates Wal-Mart as a rule, but he was excited to stop at Wal-mart in Alva, just so he could look at something besides straight roads, red dirt, and tumbleweeds. But I exaggerate. He also saw some dust devils.

We stopped there so I could get some flowers to take to my parents' grave this afternoon, and some cold medicine. Yep, I managed to catch myself a cold. Most people would settle for a souvenir shot glass or something, but not me. I have souvenir Mucinex and saline spray.


Donna OShaughnessy said...

Hi Found you on NaBloWriMo. Hope the mucinex works. If not hold your head over a steaming bowl of hot hot water with a few drops of peppermint essential oil. I'm telling you it will clear up your sinuses all the way down to your toes

Bernie said...

Well, germs don't take up much space in the luggage, so it seams probably a good choice for souvenir.

Plus now you can share with everyone in Des Moines!

Anonymous said...

Hey there, I was directed to you through NaBloWriMo. I was excited to see you are a "Fiber Wrangler"... well I am a fiber producer!! I don't know what your fiber preference is but feel free to stop by my site and click on the "fleece" tab at the top and you can see my fibers. Nice to meet you!


Aser said...
