Sunday, March 26, 2006

Terry does good

The clouds cleared off last night, and Terry leapt into action. He took the telescope out to the observatory. It was a productive evening for him. He found M83, the last of the 110 Messier Objects, and has now earned the Honorary Messier Certificate from the Astronomical League.

In this case, "honorary" is actually the higher achievement. The "regular" certificate is awarded when you observe 70 objects, and Terry completed that a couple of years ago.

It will be a couple of months before his observing log is verified and he gets his certificate. Until then, here is an unofficial award for him, courtesy of SEDS:

Congratulations, Terry!

Rambling on toward off-topic, while I was looking at SEDS, I saw the link for Yuri's Night on April 12. The idea is to have a party on the anniversary of the first manned space flight, and the first space shuttle flight. I've used lesser excuses for a party.

Meanwhile, in "all about ME" news, I have finished the body of the green sweater, and am ready to seam the shoulders. I hope to do that yet today, and maybe even pick up the stitches for the neck. Others bought sweater yarn in Minneapolis, but I was strong and stuck to my resolve not to commit to another sweater until I have this one finished.

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