We went to the Jewish Food Fair at Temple B'nai Jeshurun today. It was on the chilly side - only about 50 degrees - so we ate inside. While we dined on brisket, kugel, and haroset, we were entertained by this year's purimspiel, "That 60s and 70s Spiel." It used a lot of parodies of old pop and disco songs. The highlight for me was when the king discovers that Esther is actually a Jew, and they sing together, "I've Got Jew, Babe." Of course, the highlight of any Purim-related activities here at Get A Grip On It is that I get to tell T, ""They're making fun of your wicked ancestor [Haman] again, but the pastries [hamantaschen] are good."
Literary side note: B'nai Jeshurun is the temple mentioned in "Niagara Falls All Over Again" by Elizabeth McCracken. What do you mean, you haven't read it? Go get it. It's a wonderful book.
I concur on the book; Niagra Falls All Over Again is excellent. Have you read her first novel, A Giant's House? I liked it too - it's a simpler, maybe more heartfelt book.
I believe I have that one, too, Bill, but haven't read it yet. NFAOA is widely promoted in the these parts because of the local setting.
You must invite me up next year!
Absolutely, Kathy - you are welcome any time. They've been doing this for 20 years, so I think they are in for the duration.
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