Thursday, May 26, 2005

Playing hooky

T won tickets to an Iowa Cubs day game, so we rearranged our schedules and spent the afternoon at the ballpark.

Playing hooky at the ballpark Posted by Hello
The Cubs were down 12 to 4 at the bottom of the ninth. People were bailing out, but we stayed because the weather was beautiful, and what else were we going to do anyway? Let's just get the inning over with and go home. And just then...

A Grand Slam!

Followed by a two-run homer!

They still lost, but by a much more respectable 12-10. And I saw my first grand slam ever. It doesn't get much better than this. Go Cubs!


Aser said...

Nice to see your faces again!

Cheryl said...

Nice to be seen, Aser. It was Sacro that was kicking our butts.