My new cell phone has both a camera and one of those teeny little Micro SD cards, which allows you transfer pictures to your computer without having to pay to e-mail them to yourself. For those times when opportunity strikes and a real camera is out of reach, this little sucker is handy.
Then at Office Depot the other day, we found these little doohickeys that let you turn your Micro SD card into a USB drive. Score! Now you can see the kinds of spontaneous things that entertain me.
Katie had to go to Miss Kim's for a few days while we re-did the bathroom. This pathetic face dogged me all the way home.
KnightStar, of course, is always very excited to find a chess set in public - at Starbucks, for example. I set up the pieces to humor him.
He refused to play me, though, since I had few more than the standard 16 pieces.
I did get a couple of squares sent off to the Greensburg project.
When the Knitwits went on the yarn crawl a couple of weeks ago, we stopped at a rest area, and saw this sign.
I've lived in the Midwest my whole life, but I don't remember ever being cautioned to keep the livestock in the vehicle. It seems like a good idea, though.
I might go a step further and suggest all livestock be left at home.
i think they're talking horses, lol. they need a special area for horses!
Considering we had just passed a hog truck, we were grateful for the declaration.
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