Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Art and science

I went to the eye doctor this morning, and am spending a little time at home waiting for the dilation to settle down before going to work.

(Everything was fine. I don't have to go back for six months.)

When Sand and I talked about making 2007 the "Year of Art", I was eager to learn about drawing and painting. I got a pocket-sized Moleskine for my purse... and then ignored it. Drawing in public still seems somehow dangerous to me. I'm not a "real" artist, just a scribbler, I tell myself.

But we were early enough for church Sunday that I pulled out the notebook and sketched the lectern.

And now I'm showing it to you. There. One scary fear smacked on the nose.


Aser said...

Jeeze, in ink, yet! And you made a note and dated the sketch -- I'm impressed and envious. I never remember to do that.

Hell, I'm lucky if I remember to sign stuff.

Keep it up!

Mamateja said...

I admire your art.....I haven't taken art since the sixth grade in 1960.....there's a students laugh at some the illustrations I somtimes put on the whiteboard. I took a photo of the gendarme sock in progress and posted. Thought you might enjoy seeing that way the yarn works out.