Thursday, May 18, 2006

All rainbows end in the street

Tuesday evening, we went to the dedication of the Temple Chess and Poetry Garden. It is in the space between the Temple for Performing Arts and the new downtown library, what used to be the patio of Starbucks. It's just a couple of blocks from my office.

The garden came about because a benefactor wanted to have an artist design a chess table that could be placed in a park. Instead, they got three.

There is a table on either side, and one to the back of the picture. The wheels cleverly disguise the fact that the tables are bolted to the ground.

We went because the powers that be wanted area chess players to come and play. There's my personal chess guru, deep in thought.

There were speeches and stuff, but the fact that Mayor Frank Cownie was speaking did not deter two kids from their game.

That's the Temple in the background.

Did you notice that I said Chess and Poetry Garden? The Poetry is farther back from the street, and for that matter, so is the garden. The garden, in fact, is fenced in by the poetry. I can't say that I'm crazy about that symbolism, but no one asked my opinion. For what it's worth, no mention was made of the poetry aspect during the oratory. The copper wall in the background is the library.


Mike said...

Perhaps area poets, including IPA members, might want to stage an outdoor reading there some night. Would seem a perfect outdoor spot in the summertime.

Cheryl said...

That's an excellent idea!