Sunday, December 04, 2005

The Moon and Venus

Did you look to the southwest at dusk? The crescent moon and Venus were just a couple of degrees apart. While I cooked supper, Terry went out with the camera.

Not a great picture of the moon, but you can see the snow we got yesterday.

Better. Notice the earthshine in the moon.

Through the trees in front of our house.

Up close, so you can see the earthshine even better.


joyceen404 said...

Great shots. It was perfect conditions. So excited had to call
the 9 yr. old grandson in DSM to go out and look and he was suitably impressed. Wonder what camera you used??
Joyce in Ankeny DMAS

Cheryl said...

Glad you liked them, Joyce. They were taken with an Olympus Camedia C740.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's so pretty! I can only imagine the magic of the moment.